
We are pleased to introduce spaces and exhibitions that addressed the issue of wrongful convictions and forensic practices.

Galerie Marguo is a contemporary art gallery with a distinctive focus on international and diasporic artists. In 2020, the gallery opened its doors in the heart of the Marais district in Paris, with a commitment to nurturing a plurality of voices and perspectives at a time when freedom of movement was greatly circumscribed.

Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin creates a forum for the contemporary arts and critical debates. In the midst of profound global and planetary transformation processes, HKW re-explores artistic positions, scientific concepts, and spheres of political activity, asking: How do we grasp the present and its accelerated technological upheavals? What will tomorrow’s diversified societies look like? And what responsibilities will the arts and sciences assume in this process?

La Galerie Alice Guy à l’Institut Français de Berlin organise une exposition artistique collective, mettant en relation des travaux cartographiques sur la ville de Berlin avec des créations sonores composées d’interviews, de textes littéraires et de bruits urbains. En se basant sur des projets en sciences humaines et sociales menés par les chercheurs du Centre, elle présente des modèles d’une ville qui invitent à la réflexion sur différents projets de société.